Your first bill will include your
installation charge along with your first month's telephone calls and
telephone service fee. Telephone bills are due seven days after
receipt an can be paid in person at your bank or German Bundespost for
a small fee. You can also pay your bill by allowing Telekom to
withdraw your monthly bill from your local bank account. This
option is only available to those people with accounts at a local US
Bank, Credit Union, or off-post German bank. If you opt for
direct withdrawal, you will still receive your telephone bill, but
payment will automatically be withdrawn from your account, eliminating
the need to pay your bill in person. This option is recommended
for those who are likely to be deployed or otherwise away from home an
unavailable to pay their telephone bill on time each month. If
Deutsche Telekom disconnects your phone service due to non-payment,
the fee for re-connection can be quite costly.
Starting from the top of the page, the following terms will be listed
on the front page. This is your summary of services and charges.
Rechnungdatum - Date of bill
Rechnungsnummer - Bill number
Rechnungsmonat - Month of bill
Buchungskonto - Your account number
Kundennummer - Your customer number
Seite - Page number
Bei Ruckfragen Telefon & Telefax - Who to call (fax) for
Artikel oder Leistung - Type of service provided
Nettoeinzelbetrag - Charge per unit
Artikel-Leistungs-Nr - Service code
Nettogesamtbetrag - Total charge this service
Menge/Volumen/tarifierte Zeit - Units used
Ust (%) - Percentage tax applicable
Monatliche Betrage vom (dates) - Monthly fees
Betrage fur Verbindungen - Cost of calls
Telefonanschuss - Telephone service
Rufnummer - Your telephone number
Telefon Actron - Phone rental fee
Verbindungen vom - Dates covered in this bill
Summe Monatliche Betrage - Total of monthly service fees
What follows is a list of the different tariff categories your calls
fell under. The number immediately to the left of the tariff is
the number of calls you made under the tariff. Typical tariffs
and their meanings are:
City - Calls within your local area
Regional (Re/D) - Calls from 50 to 200 km distance from your
Deutschland - Longer calls within Germany
Welt - International calls
Mobilfunknetz - Calls to cellular phones
Summe Verbindungen fur oben angegebene Rufnummer - Total of all
of your calls
Summe Verbindungen Deutsche Telekom - Total of your calls through
Telekom. You may have other service providers' bills included
here, for example a direct dial internet provider.
Nettobetrag - Your net expenses before tax
Umsatzsteuer 16% - Tax applied
Forderungen aus vorangeganger Rechnung - A previously unpaid
Rechnungsbetrag - Your total bill
If you pay by direct withdrawal, you will see the statement: Der
Betrag von (amount) wird from Konto (account number) BLZ (bank number)
abgebucht - The total of (amount) was withdrawn from (account number &
bank number).
If you do not pay your telephone bill by direct withdrawal, use
the coupon attached to the last page of your telephone bill. The
smaller, left side of the coupon is your receipt; when you pay the
bill, it will be date stamped and returned to you. The bank or
Bundespost retains the larger right side. Remember, if you pay
the bill in person, you will be charged a small processing fee.
Beleg for Kontoinhaber Einzahler-Quittung - Your receipt
Bankleitszahl - Bank code of payee
Uberweisungsauftrag/Zahlschein - Payment coupon
Bei (Kreditinstitut) - Bank of payee
Empfanger - Payee (Telekom)
Betrag - Bill amount
Konto-Nr. Des Empfangers - Account number of payee
Verwedungsweck - Receipt number
Kontoinhaber / Einzahler - Your name, last name first
Konto-Nr. Des Kontoinhabers - Your bank account number (not
necessary if paying in cash