Fine Tuning your Antenna
a) Perform this procedure only after getting Lock + Sig in the
Installer or Receiver Setup menu. If no Lock + Sig go to step 8
b) Mark your antenna�s azimuth and elevation settings with a magic
marker pen for reference. This is done as precaution, just in case
you totally loose the signal during the fine-tuning phase.
c) Slowly tilt the antenna forward and backward (elevation) and set
for maximum �Signal Level� and �BER/Signal Quality� levels moving
the antenna�s edge by just a half and inch or less. Signal quality
or BER is the most important to maximize. Remember, BER of 0.0 E-2
is bad and 0.0 E-6 is perfect, and Signal Quality 1-10, with 10
being the best.
d) Do the same for azimuth, left and right again moving the dish in
very slight amounts.
e) Repeat steps 2 and 3 at least two times each.
f) Tighten the bolts down with a wrench to prevent movement.
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