If you arrive by car, you must leave your vehicle in one of the
parking lots on the outskirts of the city. The parking at
Piazzale Roma is the nearest to the city center. Venice's
public transportation system uses two types of boats, vaporetti
(water busses) and motoscafi (water taxis).
All vaporetti boats are numbered and follow certain routes
around the city. Vaporetti boats leave from floating
docks which are clearly marked with service numbers and route maps.
There is a limited night service on most routes.
The same numbered busses head in two directions, so make sure the
boat is heading in your desired direction before boarding.
There are normally separate boarding lines for each direction.
You can buy tickets at the dock or at shops displaying an ACTV
HINT: You can save money by buying multiple day passes.
All tickets must be validated at the machine on the dock before
Below is a clickable map of Venice showing two of the Vaporetto
routes you are most likely to use during your time in Venice.
Also click here for a list of stops on the most common lines (Vaporetto
line 1, 82, N, 41, 42, 51, and 52).
Click Here for a larger map of Venice
Motoscafi water taxis are a faster but more expensive means
of travel. You can either hail them as you do regular taxis,
or you can call 041 523 5775, 041 522 2303 or 041 522 1265.
Traghetti (ferries) can be found at seven points along the
Grand Canal. Since there are only three bridges across the
Grand Canal, these ferries can be very useful. They are old
boats marked by yellow signs. You must pay as you board and it
is customary to remain standing during the short trip across the

The final method of transportation is the famous Venetian gondola.
Gondolas can travel down even the narrowest canals, but are
extremely expensive.
Public Transportation System 041 528 7886